The 3rd annual CSED Unleashed conference took place this past week in Ottawa, and despite the more succinct day (1/2 day rather than full) and the focused agenda (no breakout sessions and only one topic – social procurement), it was a fantastic event – and the CSED team should be proud of yet another excellent conference. The Crosslinx Social Procurement Experience The day started with Patience Adamu from Crosslinx Transit Solutions, …Read More
Where Are All the Affordable Accommodations?: Toronto is Too Expensive For Young Travellers
We all know that housing affordability is an issue in Toronto, as well as in other cities across Canada, but how many of us have given thought to the affordability of other types of accommodations? Eco-Ethonomics is currently engaged in work supporting the expansion plans for a youth hostel in Toronto and we have been blown away by what we have found. Not surprisingly, youth travellers typically seek out budget accommodations, …Read More
Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector (CSSB)
Leaders from across the non-profit sector have been addressing the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector (CSSB) in recent days around the complexities faces by the public benefit sector in Canada. The CSSB was established in January 2018 with the goal of studying the impact of laws, regulations and government policies on charities and non-profits. The Committee sits regularly on Monday’s on weeks when the Senate is sitting and …Read More
Reimagining Non-Profit Governance
On September 27, 2018, The Mowat Centre released “Peering into the Future: Reimaging Governance in the Non-Profit Sector”. This timely report lays out some important thoughts on the current state of governance structures in the non-profit sector, provides some examples of alternative governance models, and lays out some key questions to consider as the sector looks for new governance models that will allow for a new definition of governance to …Read More
Turns Out: SMART Goals Aren’t That Smart, But There’s a New Model Catching on Pretty FAST
When this article started to circulate in the EE office, it definitely caught our attention. It seems many of us have been of the opinion that SMART goals were, well… dumb. For those of you not up on your acronyms, SMART (at least when it comes to goal setting) means, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. SMART goals are prolific; and are a core element of most goal setting exercises, regardless of individual role, level or industry. Now new research …Read More