Hired by the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) in 2018, Ryan Turnbull, President and CEO of Eco-Ethonomics is working with OPHA as a Collective Impact consultant for their Keeping Kids Healthy Initiative (KKH). KKH works in tandem with Ontario’s Healthy Kids Strategy, a cross-government initiative to promote children’s health in Ontario.Working with community lead agencies in Thunder Bay, Ottawa, Peterborough and Middlesex to form a Project Steering committee, Eco-Ethonomics will …Read More
Community Hubs Secretariat
The Community Hubs Secretariat published an Action Plan in 2015 after extensive consultation and research. One of the recommendations of that report was to develop a Community Hubs Resource Network for Ontario. The Resource Network was loosely intended to perform a few key functions to support the development of Community Hubs across the province. Eco-Ethonomics Inc. was hired in January 2017 by the Cabinet Office to perform a Strategy and …Read More
Sustain Ontario
Sustain Ontario is conducting a cross-municipal food policy scan in collaboration with Eco-Ethonomics to strengthen Ontario’s food policy network by increasing the capacity of Food Policy Councils. The geographical scope for this is provincial and the range of food system issues that policy may be addressing is extensive. The data gathered will serve to inform the development of a comprehensive, online food policy database that will compile and present specific information …Read More
York Region – Ontario Food Collaborative
The Ontario Food Collaborative focuses on the link between post consumer food waste reduction and health eating attitudes and behaviours. Eco-Ethonomics Inc. is coaching and facilitating discussions with the Streering Committee and Working Groups to implement the 2016-2018 Strategic Plan. Eco-Ethonomics will ensure the Collaborative maintains momentum over the next two years while building a diverse membership that generates substantial impact. The collaborative includes health units, municipal and provincial governments, …Read More
Caledon Community Services
Caledon Community Services and partners have developed and built a community hub called The Exchange offering a space to connect and shared programming within the Caledon community. A collaborative leadership team representing 12 organizations worked together with the senior management from CCS to determine a governance model that embeds egalitarian decision making processes while staying responsive to community needs. This engagement involves working through a collaborative theory of change process, …Read More