Regional Diversity Roundtable has been working on increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Region of Peel and began its work several years ago by developing a Diversity and Inclusion Charter. The D&I Charter was endorsed by many organizations across the region. RDR then developed a self-assessment tool so organizations could begin to identify areas for improvement on their journey toward realizing greater diversity and inclusion. Eco-Ethonomics was hired in …Read More
Peel Alternatives to Choosing Hospitalization (PATCH)
Eco-Ethonomics is currently working with the steering committee of PATCH, an initiative in Peel that connects community agencies, the Region of Peel and Healthcare institutions to work to coordinate community based care for people who are vulnerable, homeless or living in poverty. PATCH is an initiative born out of the SharED collaboration, which is designing a community coordinated service delivery model for ensuring more equitable and seemless access to healthcare …Read More