Eco-Ethonomics is currently working with Senior Management at Dixon Hall to assess a training and employment program, designed to give at-risk or street involved youth the chance to build their capacity in carpentry and connect to industry apprenticeship opportunities. This work involves developing an evaluation framework and methodology, designing data collection tools, conducting research and then writing a comprehensive report.
Toronto Neighbourhood Centres
Over the summer of 2013, Eco-Ethonomics Inc. conducted a cost/benefit analysis of three ‘shared services’ on behalf of Toronto Neighbourhood Centres. The study included an analysis of the following three shared services: 1) consortium bidding, 2) joint purchasing, and 3) shared back office initiatives. The research involved scanning for successful examples of each shared service in the Canadian context and abroad. A series of in-depth interviews were conducted and an …Read More
St. Leonard’s Place Peel
Eco-Ethonomics worked with St. Leonard’s board members, senior management and staff, over a period of 6 months to develop an evaluation framework with a core set of indicators to measure cross programmatic outcomes. This process resulted in a number of evaluation tools being developed and introduced into how SLPP’s staff regularly document the progress of participants. The process also helped educate a number of SLPP’s funders on the high risk …Read More
East York East Toronto Family Resources
Eco-Ethonomics and associates, worked through an evaluation planning process that lasted over 6 months with the management team at EYET. The project included mapping all the desired outcomes across the entire organization and creating an evaluation framework including indicators for success. This extensive process resulted in an evaluation framework that has been integrated into the daily operations of the organization.
CMAS Canada
Eco-Ethonomics and associates worked closely with CMAS Canada to evaluate the Combined Care Model in two pilot locations on behalf of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The project objective was to determine the feasibility of a roll-out for a more flexible Child Care model throughout a number of provinces. The model was assessed for overall effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability and recommendations were made to CIC on implementing Combined Care for Childminding …Read More