Eco-Ethonomics researched seniors’ services and service gaps in the Region of Peel for immigrants which fed into the facilitation of a strategic planning process, setting priorities for improving the coordination of senior support services across the region. The consulting team which was led by e-Nova Consulting supported the CASIS leadership in the development of a five-year operational plan to address the identified strategic priorities.
Christie Ossington Neighbourhood Centre – Housing and Homelessness Planning
Eco-Ethonomics is working with senior management at Christie Ossington Neighbourhood Centre to develop an integrated housing and homelessness plan to ensure the highest level of care for vulnerable individuals. The development of the plan included multiple mapping sessions, intensive working sessions, staff information session, support in recruitment and hiring, and implementation planning with key staff. Deliverables included a series of model visualizations, new job descriptions, a critical path, case management …Read More
Peel Multicultural Council
Eco-Ethonomics conducted community-based research, interviewing multiple stakeholders in part to determine its impact on the community and in part to determine its future direction. A summary report was produced and presented to the Board of Directors informing the organizations strategic planning process.
A-Way Express Courier
Eco-Ethonomics and associates worked with A-Way Express Courier’s Board of Directors to research and identify new opportunities for their organization.
Foundation for Rural Living
Eco-Ethonomics provided a detailed environmental scan and stakeholder consultation prior to facilitating strategic planning with the foundations board of directors. The organization successfully set its strategic direction for the next three years.
Pet-Trust Fund
Eco-Ethonomics facilitated an extensive stakeholder consultation process followed by strategic planning where the board of directors set the direction for the organization for the next five years. One of the outcomes of this process was that the organization planned to raise $10 million for a cancer care centre for companion animals.
Heifer Foundation Canada
Eco-Ethonomics facilitated a two-day strategic planning retreat for the board of directors for the international development organization focused on poverty reduction through improving food security through systemic change projects. The board created a vision, developed a strategy and set targets for resource development, for the next three years.
Department of Clinical Studies
Eco-Ethonomics facilitated strategic planning with the Clinical Studies Department in December 2011 to March 2012 and continues to facilitate implementation planning working group sessions to complete the process. Eco-Ethonomics helped facilitate a joint planning process for the Dean’s Council meeting presentation between the Clinical Studies Department Chair and the Health Sciences Centre CEO. The team is now facilitating a process for departmental decision making around new faculty hiring.
Department of Pathobiology
Eco-Ethonomics and associates, facilitated strategic and educational planning with the Pathobiology Department in Dec 2011, and assisted in facilitating implementation planning to make initiatives manageable. During this process the faculty and department staff participated in a two day retreat that resulted in a strong 5 year plan for moving the department forward in the direction it envisioned for itself. With over 25 participants the planning days allowed faculty to come …Read More
Milverton Agricultural Society
Eco-Ethonomics provided consulting to Milverton Agricultural Society’s board and senior staff to assist in developing the organizations model and improve its sustainability. The organization considered several social enterprise concepts, and through several conversations, decided on assessing the feasibility of one idea that showed promise. Preliminary steps were taken to coordinate a feasibility assessment process with volunteers.